Losing Weight Does Get Harder As You Get Older

It can be very frustrating as a mother when we compare ourselves with our 20-something selves. It seems as we get older it is much harder to lose those extra few pounds. As an online female personal trainer specialising in mums’ fitness my job is to give you the tools you need in order to reach your goals whether it be fitness or weight loss.

There are many reasons why weight loss becomes increasingly harder as we get older. Firstly, there is research to suggest that our metabolisms slow down as we get older combined with decreasing oestrogen levels during perimenopause and menopause, causing insulin sensitivity.

As we get older our stress levels can increase, for example as busy mums we are constantly chasing after our children and running around at 1000 miles per hour, this is adding more stress to our bodies which can affect weight loss.

Here are some top tips to keep healthy and moving as you start to feel a little older (dare I say)

  1. Keep moving. It is important to highlight the benefits of strength training on the joints. As we get older our joints become weaker. Focusing on strength training will keep your joints fit and strong. In addition, building muscle with a lightweight training routine will help maintain a resting metabolic rate. My mum’s fitness programmes include a bespoke strength program along with accountability to ensure you reach your goals.

  2. Increase protein for breakfast. Protein is a superpower when it comes to weight loss as it is digested more slowly than carbs and helps hormonal systems that control appetite and regulate our fat-burning hormones. Aiming to consume 20g of protein for breakfast and every meal will get you started on the right path. My Fit Mum meal plans include protein breakfast ideas like protein oats, greek yoghurt with berries and my absolute fav poached eggs on sourdough.

  3. Don’t miss a meal. We have all done it back in our youth when we though skipping meals and severely cutting calories sped up weight loss. Incorrect! Research suggests skipping meals can mess with the metabolism. When you skip a meal you are telling your body to hide and store those calories away instead of burning them. Skipping meals means you are more likely for your blood sugars to drop causing massive sugar cravings later on in the afternoon.

  4. Include more anti-inflammatory foods. Foods high in omega-3 along with garlic, turmeric, cocoa and berries can help your weight loss journey. Increase the amount of fibre in your diet too but fill your plate with green leafy veg. Not only are you going to hit your daily fibre intake, but greens are also low in calories yet high in volume so will help with satiety levels.

  5. The 80:20 rule. Focus on filling your diet with highly nutritious meals (the colour of a rainbow) and then the other 20% time enjoy the foods lower in nutritional value. For me, it is a sweet treat at the weekend. Remember a highly nutritious diet will not only contribute to weight loss but will also leave you feeling energised.


“I don’t know how you do it all Mari, you seem to have it all together all the time”


Mum’s Fitness Journey. Things You Need To Know