Top SuperFoods For Women’s Health

As a Women’s Health and Fitness addressing the nutritional needs of women is very important. As much as a healthy balanced diet is important for all of us, there are a few issues which can affect women solely that certain foods can help with. For example, brittle bones, pregnancy, menstrual cycle and menopause to name a few. The following ‘superfoods’ listed in this article will help to protect the body and keep it working well.

  1. Edamame beans. These tasty beans are full of fibre, good fats and oestrogen-like compounds called isoflavones. Isoflavones can support menopause.

  2. Kale. This leafy vegetable is packed with vitamin K, which works with vitamin D and calcium to keep your bones strong and healthy. One serving has more than 20% of your daily recommended amounts of vitamins A and C.

  3. Asparagus. Also packed with vitamin K. It is also full of folate which helps prevent birth defects like spina bifida.

  4. Beans. They are packed with plant-based protein without the fat that comes with meat and are higher in fibre. Beans can also help lower blood pressure, blood sugar and heart rate.

  5. Grapefruit. Packed with Flavonoids which can help lower the likelihood of strokes in women and support the heart.

  6. Berries and cherries. Packed with antioxidants, which can help protect healthy cells from damage. Berries can also keep the brain sharper. Plus packed with vitamin C.

  7. Papaya. Its red-orange colour comes from beta-carotene (the stuff in carrots) and lycopene. Lycopene lowers the chance of getting cervical and breast cancers. It is an antioxidant too so keeps cholesterol and blood pressure at healthy levels.

  8. Plain yoghurt. As you approach 50 years of age the body needs more calcium. Yoghurt has lots of it, look for the yoghurt rich in Vitamin D. Greek yoghurt is also packed with protein which helps maintain satiety levels.

  9. Sardines. These are packed with healthy fats, vitamin D and calcium. The omega-3 fats can improve the quality of breast milk and sardines are good for babies.

  10. Flaxseed. Packed with fibre and ‘lignins’; plant compounds that act like oestrogen. These can help lower the risk of some cancers like breast cancer. Flaxseed oil is a great way to get omega-3

  11. Walnuts. Also packed with fatty acids, a great topping for yoghurt.

  12. Avocado. Full of good fat, great to add to your morning eggs. Research has shown that avocados can help protect the eyes and skin.

  13. Sweet potato. Packed with copper, fibre, vitamin B6 and iron, which are beneficial during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  14. Spinach. Packed with folate and lutein too. This antioxidant protects the eyes.

All these ingredients can be added into your weekly recipes quite easily, for example adding flaxseeds and walnuts to your morning porridge oats and avocados to eggs. There is no evidence to say fresh is better for you than frozen, many of the above ingredients can be found in the freezer section at your local supermarket. I always buy frozen spinach, it comes in handy little cubes which can be cooked quickly in the microwave and added to your meals. That goes for frozen berries too, I often buy frozen berries which I add to my morning oats and sprinkle over my yoghurt. Eating healthy can be achieved on a low budget if you know how.


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