Mari Carmen Fitness

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How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off…

Why Fad Diets Don’t Work…

As a specialist women’s health and fitness coach the biggest theme I see is when women lose weight fast using a very unsustainable method, for example, the Keto diet, low carb, fasting, 5:2 and the list goes on! The weight comes off quickly but more than likely the weight goes back on if not more. It is important you do not crash diet or choose a fad diet if you want long-lasting results.

What is the best way to lose weight?

There is no one-size-fits-all, what works for one client may not work for another. When working with me on my online coaching programs we have an initial consultation to assess where you currently are and what areas you need specifically help with. Depending on your existing knowledge of nutrition determines the method I use to create a calorie deficit for weight loss. For example, some busy mums like tracking their calories whereas others do not like this so instead send me photos of their meals. As an online fitness coach for women, it is important I have an insight into what you are eating in order for me to give feedback, changes and adaptions. When it comes to losing weight you do not have to give up all the food. you enjoy and kill yourself with an intense workout program.

My top 5 tips to get started on your weight loss journey

  1. Eat more fruit and vegetables. Despite the guidelines from the NHS around eating 5-day, I see many women every day who eat very little fruit and vegetables. Gone are the days when people snacked on fresh fruit, many are now choosing processed snack bars due to false advertisement. “Try this bar, it is low in sugar and fat, try this bar it has 20g protein”. Do not get me wrong these cereal bars are great when you are under-prepared and cannot access fresh produce. When doing your supermarket shop when shopping for snacks for the week do not choose the sugar-loaded cereal bars opt for fresh fruit. For example, chop up a melon and serve it with Greek yoghurt for extra protein, a handful of dried seeds/nuts/fruit, and crudités with chopped-up veggies. Fruit and veg is packed with fibre, vitamins and minerals. I guarantee if you remove your packet snacks in the day and replace them with more snacks like this you will see a difference in your energy levels and on the scales too.

  2. Do not drink your calories. You would be amazed how many calories are in cappuccinos, flat whites and lattes even if you did opt for the skinny version. Firstly restrict caffeinated drinks down to 2 per day and swap to americano with hot milk, this contains far fewer calories leaving you more calories for food.

  3. Dress your carbs. Carbohydrates are not bad for you! We use carbohydrates for energy, it is an important food group so please do not remove them from your diet. Rather focus on how you combine foods; when plating up your dinner ensure you have a good mix of carbs, good fats and proteins on your plate. I tell my clients to fill half of their plates with green leafy veggies for extra fibre and to increase satiety levels. If you are having spaghetti bolognese (a firm favourite in our house) then weigh out your pasta (aim for 75g serving), load it up with plenty of mince (make sure you have used 5% lean mince) and then serve with a green leafy salad. Always serve protein and veggies with your carbohydrates, especially pasta and rice, this will stop you from eating on them and ensure you are getting all the other good stuff too!

  4. Move a little bit more than you did yesterday. If you have a stay-at-home job or work from an office the chances are you are pretty sedentary. Ensure you get a lunch break even if it is just 30 minutes where you can take a break from your desk eat something and walk (even if it is 10 minutes). Every hour move away from your desk and walk for 1 minute, this could be circling around your living room or climbing the stairs a few times. I guarantee if you do this every hour for 5 minutes your daily step count will increase. When you do have more time plan activities which involve walking, take the children to the park and park a bit further so you can walk to the park and the children can go on their scooters. Rather than meeting a friend in a coffee shop, pick a local park near you and meet there. Have a walking coffee! Adding more movement into activities you already do will help it feel less of a chore.

  5. Prioritise sleep. Research shows a strong link between weight gain and sugar cravings with poor sleep. I know this is something as busy mums we cannot guarantee but where possible try and create a good bedtime routine. Try and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and remove devices an hour before sleep time. A good night's sleep will help you make better choices the following day with food and will also guarantee you move more.

Learn how a working Mum of 2 is back in pre-pregnancy clothes and feeling her best self…

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